france travel with kids

[Lyon, France] Outdoors in Lyon: Parks and a Roman Theater

Lyon has numerous parks and open spaces where you can enjoy the outdoors. Besides our walks through various neighborhoods for “mural-spotting”and the visits to the Parc de la Tête d’Or and the riverside promenade, we strolled through other smaller parks and visited the lovely Roman Theater in the city. If you enjoy the outdoors, here are some places that you could add to your itinerary in Lyon, formerly known as Lugdunum, an important Roman city in Gaul.

[Lyon, France] Outdoors in Lyon: The Riverside and a Huge Park

Our itinerary in Lyon included a great deal of time outdoors and we made the most of the splendid weather and bright sunshine. The sprawling Parc de la Tête d’Or and the pretty riverside promenade were some of our favorite outdoor spaces in Lyon.  Riverside Promenade, Lyon: The rivers Rhône and Saône wind their way through the gastronomic capital of France. Along the eastern bank of the Rhône, a long promenade offers visitors and locals a great place to enjoy the outdoors.

[Lyon, France] The Beautiful Murals of Lyon: A Visual Treat

Two summers ago, we visited the city of Lyon, host to the famous Festival of Lights (Fête des Lumières), in France. During our week-long stay in the capital of the Rh_ô_ne-Alpes region, we explored several parks (including the lovely Parc de la Tête d’Or), relived history at the splendid Roman theater, and discovered the unique urban development project at La Confluence. Our favorite trail of discovery in Lyon, the birthplace of cinema, was the trail of discovering frescoes.