A Noisy Sunday at the Martin Farm

Where would you take a noisy, nature-loving, super-energetic 2-year old on a Sunday morning in Bangalore?


It would definitely have to be outdoors. Lots of space to run around. Okay to make “some” noise :). Not more than an hour’s drive away. Greenery would be a welcome bonus. Seeing some animals would be great. Interaction with the animals would be awesome.

Did we find such a place? The Martin Farm, Bangalore, has all this and more :).

Locating this farm situated off Sarjapur Road in Bangalore wasn’t too much effort (with the detailed directions provided on their website). A large group was already at the farm, for a birthday celebration.

We spent some time in the kids’ play area, before heading over to say hello to the occupants of the farm. Our little son was overjoyed to see the farm animals and participate in feeding them. While the rabbits and guinea pigs scrambled for carrots, the donkeys and goats rushed to grab beans from the kids. The emus appeared friendly, too. The baby of our family was involved in a very animated conversation with the baby from the donkey family. We managed to say goodbye to the little donkey, only to start another long chat filled with grunts and oinks with the pigs. The pigs and our toddler exchanged curious looks, animated expressions and the news of the day (it was more like news from several days). It looked like we would be spending a long time here :).

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  All in line at lunch time

The turtles were sunbathing, the ducks were quacking, the sheep were in deep thought. And we sat on a comfortable swing, enjoying every moment at the farm.

A little later, our toddler had (seemingly) run out of conversation topics with the pigs. We GRABBED the opportunity (and the little fellow) to head back to our car.

The Martin Farm is a good place to visit, especially for kids. Do call ahead before your visit, since there may be an event like a birthday party already planned there.

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