Totto-chan The Little Girl at the Window, by Tetsuko Kuroyanagi (Translated by Dorothy Britton)

I stood in front of the bookshelf, wondering what to read. Suddenly, I glanced at a new addition, Totto-chan The Little Girl at the Window. Intrigued by the title, I took a closer look and the illustration on the cover added to my fascination. For the next couple of days, I was unable to stop thinking about the book. Each time I took a break from reading it, I would pick it up again almost immediately.

Every simple chapter has a thought-provoking lesson, one that we could all relate to. The vivid description and interesting anecdotes weave a tale of innocence and maturity, learning and teaching, fun times and serious incidents.

This beautifully written (and well-translated) story of a little girl’s formative years at school brought a great deal of positive energy and happiness to me. Student or teacher, child or parent, this book is a wonderful read for everyone.

Do read it, and I’d love to discuss it with you! 🙂

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